Contact Us

Before you get in touch, take a look at our FAQ section to see if there’s already an answer to your question.

Replacement Parts
If you need any replacement parts please email or call 01609 881 302.

Customer Services
If you have a general enquiry or a query on an existing online order, please call 0800 521 558 or email and state the full details of your order/enquiry. The customer services team are available 09:00 to 17:00 hrs Monday to Friday


General Enquiry Form

If you get in touch with us with us via the ‘Contact Us’ section of our website, we’ll need your address to get back in touch with you. We will only use your details in relation to your enquiry. Never for marketing purposes or otherwise. Please see our privacy policy for more details.

Brand / Marketing Enquiries
For all brand and marketing enquiries, please call 01908 268 480 or email

Press Enquiries
For all press enquiries, please email or alternatively, call 0161 302 0206

By Post
Please address all correspondence to:

Customer Services
50 Presley Way
Milton Keynes

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